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2017−present: Joint Center for Planetary Astronomy Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA. Host: Professor Michael E. Brown.


2013−2017: Graduate Research Associate, Department of Planetary Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.


2011−2013: Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Planetary Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.


2008−2010: Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.





2017, Ph.D. Planetary Science, Department of Planetary Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.


Thesis: "Tidal/Rotational Dynamics of Solar System Objects, from the Moon to Pluto"

Advisor: Asst. Prof. Isamu Matsuyama


2015, M.S. Planetary Science, Department of Planetary Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.


2011, B.S. Astronomy (with high honors), Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.


Thesis: "Modes of Planetesimal-Driven Planet Migration"

Advisor: Prof. Douglas P. Hamilton


2011, B.S. Geology (with honors), Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.


Thesis: "Lithospheric Extension on Icy Satellites"

Advisor: Assc. Prof. Laurent G. J. Montési





(in review) NASA InSIGHT Participating Scientist: "The Contribution of Impact Basins, Volcanoes, and Other Geologic Processes to Mars's Moments of Inertia." Role: Science-PI. Submitted February 2018.

(in review) NASA Solar System Workings (SSW): "Tectono-magmatic Evolution of the Procellarum Region and its Influence on the Global Lunar Gravity Field." PI: Patricia M. Gregg, U. Illinois (Urbana-Champaign). Role: Collaborator. Submitted February 2018.

(in review) NASA Solar System Workings (SSW): "Thermal Processes in Pluto's Icy Surface-Mechanisms for Surface Modification and Evolution." PI: Orkan M. Umurhan, SETI Institute. Role: Collaborator. Submitted February 2018.

2017-2020: NASA Solar System Workings (SSW): "Interior Structure, Stresses, and Tectonics of Planets." PI: Isamu Matsuyama, U. Arizona. Role: Co-I.

2016-2019: NASA Solar System Workings (SSW): "True Polar Wander of Terrestrial Planets and its Implications for the Long-Term Stability of Polar Volatiles." Role: Science-PI. Total award: $382,982.

2016: University of Arizona Theoretical Astrophysics Program Small Matching Grant: for work related to the tidal/rotational dynamics of Pluto. Total award: $1,000.

2015: University of Arizona Theoretical Astrophysics Program Small Matching Grant: for work related to the analysis of GRAIL gravity data of the Moon. Total award: $1,500.

2013-2016: NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF): "Stability of Asteroid Regolith during Planetary Close Approaches." Role: Graduate Student Fellow. Total award: $90,000.





2018: Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS): "Tidal Heating: Lessons from Io and the Jovian System": Contributor to KISS proposal (PIs: Alfred McEwen, U. Arizona; Katherine de Kleer, Caltech; Ryan Park, JPL) and participant in workshop designed to develop a roadmap for understanding tidal heating in the solar system (and Io in particular). KISS studies routinely lead to new technologies, scientific advances, and NASA mission proposals.

2017-present: New Horizons: Funded science team member. Attending science team meetings and the flyby of the cold classical Kuiper belt object (486958) MU69. Responsible for live-sketching the encounter and new science results.

2016: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): Contributor the extended science mission (ESM3) proposal team.

2014-present: Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL): Funded graduate student and postdoctoral researcher, participant in quarterly science team meetings. Meetings were often held in tandem with Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) team meetings.

2014: NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer School: Argus, an Io Observer mission concept: Participant in a five-month study developing a New Frontiers-class mission concept for exploring Jupiter's volcanic moon, Io. Held the following roles: attitude control subsystem chair, principal investigator of the Io Laser Altimeter (IoLA) instrument, co-investigator of the Io Radio and Gravity Experiment (IRAGE), and Io interiors and geophysics working group lead. 

2013-2015: Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx): Community and public engagement volunteer, focusing on 321Science YouTube series.



2017: Travel Stipend Award for New Views of the Moon 2-Asia, USRA/Lunar and Planetary Institute. Award: $2,500.

2017: Pellas-Ryder Award, Geological Society of America, Division of Planetary Geology. Award: $500.

2017: Galileo Circle Scholar, College of Science, University of Arizona. Award: $1,000.

2016: Galileo Circle Scholar, College of Science, University of Arizona. Award: $1,000. 

2016: Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award, Geological Society of America, Division of Planetary Geology. Award: $2,500.

2015: SSERVI ESF Student Poster Award, Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute, Exploration Science Forum. Award: $1,000. 

2015: Gerard P. Kuiper Memorial Award, Department of Planetary Science, University of Arizona. Award: $1,000. 

2014: AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA), American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Award: $1,000.

2016: Galileo Circle Scholar, College of Science, University of Arizona. Award: $1,000. 

2014: Best Graduate Student Talk Award, Department of Planetary Science, University of Arizona. 

2014: Service and Outreach Award, Department of Planetary Science, University of Arizona. Award: $100.

2013: Graduate Student Talk, Honorable Mention, Department of Planetary Science, University of Arizona.








In preparation: Keane, J.T., Johnson, B.C., Matsuyama, I., Siegler, M.A. The wibbly-wobbly Moon: rotational dynamics of the Moon in the aftermath of large impacts.


In preparation: Bouley, S., Baratoux, D., Keane, J.T., Langlais, B., Matsuyama, B., Monroe, M., Vanderhaegue, O., Sautter, V., Séjourné, A., Costard, F. A new vision of the martian dichotomy. In preparation for Nature.

2017: Andrews-Hanna, J.C., Head, J.W., Johnson, B.C., Keane, J.T., Kiefer, W.S., McGovern, P.J., Neumann, G.A., Wieczorek, M.A., Zuber, M.T. Ring faults and ring dikes around the Orientale basin on the Moon. Icarus, in press.

(publisher link)

2016: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I., Kamata, S., & Steckloff, J.K. Reorientation and faulting of Pluto due to volatile loading within Sputnik Planitia. Nature 540, 90-93.

(publisher link)

2016: Simon, M., Pascucci, I., Edwards, S., Feng, W., Gorti, U., Hollenbach, D., Rigliaco, E., & Keane, J.T. Tracing Slow Winds from T Tauri Stars via Low Velocity Forbidden Line Emission. The Astrophysical Journal 831, 169-199.

(publisher link)

2016: Zuber, M.T., Smith, D.E., Neumann, G.A., Goossens, S., Andrews-Hanna, J.C., Head, J.W., Kiefer, W.S., Asmar, S.W., Konopliv, A.S., Lemoine, F.G., Matsuyama, I., Melosh, H.J., McGovern, P.J., Nimmo, F., Phillips, R.J., Solomon, S.C., Taylor, G.J., Watkins, M.M., Wieczorek, M.A., Williams, J.G., Jansen, J.C., Johnson, B.C., Keane, J.T., Mazarico, E., Miljković K., Park, R.S., Soderblom, J.M., Yuan, D.-N. Gravity Field of the Orientale Basin from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory Mission. Science 354, 438-441.

(publisher link)

2016: Johnson, B.C., Blair, D.M, Collins, G.S., Melosh, H.J., Freed, A.M., Taylor, G.J., Head, J.W., Wieczorek, M.A., Andrews-Hanna, J.C., Nimmo, F., Keane, J.T., Miljković, K., Soderblom, J.M., & Zuber, M.T. Formation of the Orientale Lunar Multi-Ring Basin. Science 354, 441-444.

(publisher link)

2016: Matsuyama, I., Nimmo, F., Keane, J.T., Chan, N.H., Taylor, G.J., Wieczorek, M.A., Kiefer, W.S., Williams, J.G. GRAIL, LLR, and LOLA constraints on the interior structure of the Moon. Geophysical Research Letters 43, 8365-8375.

(publisher link)

2016: Thompson, M.S., Zega, T.J., Becerra, P., Keane, J.T., Byrne, S., The oxidation state of Fe nanoparticles in the lunar soil. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51, 1082-1095.

(publisher link)

2015: Siegler, M.A. Miller, R.S., Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I., Paige, D.A., Poston, J., Lawrence, D.J. Lunar true polar wander inferred from polar hydrogen. Nature 531, 480-484.

(publisher link)

2014: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. Evidence for lunar true polar wander and a past low-eccentricity synchronous lunar orbit. Geophysical Research Letters 41, 6610-6619.

(publisher link)

2014: Keane, J.T., Pascucci, I., Espaillat, C., Woitke, P., Andrews, S., Kamp, I., Thi, W.-F., Meeus, G., Dent, W.R.F. Herschel Evidence for Disk Flattening or Gas Depletion in Transitional Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 787, 153-177.

(publisher link)




2018: Technologies for Exo-Planetary Science (NSERC CREATE, York University).


2018: University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (UTIG).


2018: California Institute of Technology, Dix Planetary Science Seminar.


2018: University of California Santa Cruz, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics Seminar.


2017: California Institute of Technology, Yuk Yung Lunch Seminar.


2015: Lowell Observatory.





2018: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. True Polar Wander of Mercury. Mercury: Current and Future Science of the Innermost Planet, Columbia, MD, USA.

2018: Keane, J.T., Johnson, B.C., Matsuyama, I. Siegler, M.A. The Wibbly-Wobbly Moon: Rotational Dynamics of the Moon after Large Impacts. New Views of the Moon 2: Asia, Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima, Japan.

2018: Keane, J.T., Johnson, B.C., Matsuyama, I. Siegler, M.A. The Tumbling Moon: Rotational Dynamics in the Aftermath of Impact Basin Formation. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2018: Keane, J.T. Pluto and Ceres-Illustrated. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2018: Ledbetter, W.G., Sood, R., Keane, J.T. The Interior Structure of Asteroids and Comets Revealed by ChipSat Swarm Gravimetry. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2017: Keane, J.T., Johnson, B.C., Matsuyama, I. Siegler, M.A. The Wibbly-Wobbly Moon: Rotational Dynamics of the Moon after Large Impacts. 49th Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting, Provo, Utah, USA.

2017: Keane, J.T., Johnson, B.C., Matsuyama, I. Siegler, M.A. The Wibbly-Wobbly Moon: Rotational Dynamics of the Moon after Large Impacts. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.

2017: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. Reorientation Histories of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. 12th European Planetary Science Congress, Riga, Latvia.

2017: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. Reorientation Histories of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2016: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. Reorientation Histories of the Terrestrial Planets. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

2016: Matsuyama, I., Keane, J.T., Kamata, S. Global-scale tectonic patterns on Pluto. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

2016: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I., Kamata, S., Steckloff, J. Pluto followed its heart: reorientation and faulting of Pluto due to volatile loading in Sputnik Planum. Joint 48th Division for Planetary Sciences & 11th European Planetary Science Congress Meeting, Pasadena, CA, USA.

2016: Matsuyama, I., Keane, J.T. Cassini State Transitions with a Fossil Figure. Joint 48th Division for Planetary Sciences & 11th European Planetary Science Congress Meeting, Pasadena, CA, USA.

2016: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I., Kamata, S., Steckloff, J.K. Pluto Followed its Heart: Reorientation and Faulting of Pluto due to Volatile Loading in Sputnik Planum. Geologic Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA.

2016: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I., Siegler, M.A. Impact-Driven True Polar Wander of the Moon and its Implications for the Long-Term Stability of Polar Volatiles. Geologic Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA.

2016: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I., Siegler, M.A. New Insights into Lunar True Polar Wander. New Views of the Moon 2, Houston, TX, USA.

2016: Matsuyama, I., Nimmo, F., Keane, J.T., Taylor, G.J., Chan, N.H., Williams, J.G., Wieczorek, M.A., Kiefer, W.S. GRAIL, LLR, and LOLA Constraints on the Interior Structure of the Moon. New Views of the Moon 2, Houston, TX, USA.

2016: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. Pluto followed its Heart: True Polar Wander of Pluto due to the Formation and Evolution of Sputnik Planum. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2016: Siegler, M.A., Keane, J.T., Laneuville, M., Chen, Y., Economos, R. Do Lunar Volatiles Record the Geophysical Evolution of the Moon? 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2015: Keane, J.T., Siegler, M. A., Miller, R., Matsuyama, I., Paige, D. A., Poston, J., Lawrence, D. J. Hidden in the neutrons: physical evidence for lunar true polar wander. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

2015: Keane, J.T., Siu, H.C., Moskovitz, N.A., Binzel, R.P. Surprise! The oft-ignored Moon might actually be important for changing the spins of asteroids during Earth flybys. 47th Meeting for the Division for Planetary Sciences, National Harbor, MD, USA.

2015: Siu, H.C., Keane, J.T., Siu, H.C., Moskovitz, N.A., Binzel, R.P. Effects of Earth Encounters on the Rotational Properties of Near-Earth Objects. 47th Meeting for the Division for Planetary Sciences, National Harbor, MD, USA.

2015: Keane, J.T., Siegler, M. A., Miller, R., Matsuyama, I., Paige, D. A., Poston, J., Lawrence, D. J. Hidden in the neutrons: physical evidence for lunar true polar wander. SSERVI Exploration Science Forum, NASA Ames, Mountain View, CA, USA.

2015: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. Cleaning up degree-2: the contribution of impact basins and mascons to the gravity fields of the Moon, Mercury, and other terrestrial planets. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2015: Siegler, M. A., Miller, R., Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I., Paige, D. A., Poston, J., Lawrence, D. J. Hidden in the neutrons: physical evidence for lunar true polar wander. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2015: Thompson, M. S., Zega, T. J., Keane, J.T., Becerra, P., Byrne, S. The oxidation state of Fe nanoparticles in the lunar soil: implications for space weathering processes. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2015: Marcucci, E., Hays, L., Holstein-Rathlou, C., Keane, J.T., Becerra, P., Basu, K., Davis, B., Fox, V.K., Herman, J.F.C., Hughes, A., Mendez Ramos, E., Nelessen, A., Neveu, M., Parrish, N.L., Scheinberg, A.L., Wrobel, J.S. Argus: a concept study for an Io observer mission from the 2014 NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer School. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2015: Zuber, M. T., Smith, D. E., Goosens, S. J., Andrews-Hanna, J., Head, J. W., Kiefer, W. S., Asmar, S. W., Konopliv, A. S., Lemoine, F. G., Matsuyama, I., McGovern, P. J., Melosh, H. J., Neumann, G. A., Nimmo, F., Phillips, R. J., Solomon, S. C., Taylor, G. J., Watkins, M. M., Wieczorek, M. A., Johnson, B. C., Keane, J.T., Milkjović, K., Park, R. S., Soderblom, J. M., Blair, D. M., Mazarico, E., Yuan, D.-N. Gravity field of the Orientale Basin from the Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory (GRAIL). 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2015: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. Rejuvenating asteroids during planetary flybys: applications to (99942) Apophis and other near-Earth asteroids. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2014: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. The Contribution of Impact Basins and Mascons to the Lunar Figure: Evidence for Lunar True Polar Wander and a Past Low-Eccentricity, Synchronous Lunar Orbit. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

2014: Hays, L.E., Holstein-Rathlou, C., Becerra, P., Basu, K., Davis, B., Fox, V.K., Herman, J.F.C., Hughes, A.C.G., Keane, J.T., Marcucci, E., Mendez Ramos, E., Nelessen, A., Neveu, M., Parrish, N.L., Scheinberg, A.L., Wrobel, J.S. Argus: an Io observer concept study from the 2014 NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

2014: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. Rejuvinating NEOs: The Efficiency of Asteroid Resurfacing via Planetary Flybys. 46th Meeting for the Division for Planetary Sciences, Tucson, AZ, USA.

2014: Molaro, J., Keane, J.T., Peacock, S., Schaefer, E., Tanquary, H. The Art of Planetary Science: An Exhibition - Bringing Together the Art and Science Communities to Engage the Public. 46th Meeting for the Division for Planetary Sciences, Tucson, AZ, USA.

2014: Becerra, P., Holstein-Rathlou, C., Hays, L., Keane, J.T., Neveu, M., Basu, K., Davis, B., Mendez Ramos, E., Nelessen, A. Fox, V.K., Herman, J.F.C., Parrish, N.L., Hughes, A.C., Marcucci, E., Scheinberg, A., Wrobel, J.S. Argus: a concept study for an Io observer mission from the 2014 NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer School. 46th Meeting for the Division for Planetary Sciences, Tucson, AZ, USA.

2014: Spitz, A., Dykhuis, M., Platts, S., Keane, J.T., Tanquary, H.E., Zellem, R., Hawley, T., Lauretta, D.S., Beshore, E., Bottke, W.F., Hergenrother, C., Dwornik, J.P., Patchell, R., Spitz, S.E., Bentley, Z. Communicating Science on YouTube and Beyond: OSIRIS-REx Presents 321Science! 46th Meeting for the Division for Planetary Sciences, Tucson, AZ, USA.

2014: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. The Contribution of Mascons to the Lunar Figure. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2014: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. Hill Slope Failure as a Mechanism to Resurface Asteroids During Planetary Flybys. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA. 

2014: Molaro, J., Keane, J.T. The Art of Planetary Science: an Exhibition - Bringing Together the Art and Science Communities to Engage the Public. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2014: Spitz, A. H., Dykhuis, M., Platts, S., Keane, J.T., Roper, H., Bentley, Z., Pachell, R., Spitz, S.E., OSIRIS-REx Launches 321Science - Engaging the Public in Science and Engineering Through YouTube Videos. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

2013: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. The Contribution of Mascons to the Lunar Figure. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

2013: Keane, J.T., Matsuyama, I. Hill Slope Failure as a Mechanism to Resurface Asteroids During Planetary Flybys. 45th Meeting for the Division for Planetary Sciences, Denver, CO, USA.

2013: Keane, J.T., Pascucci, I., Andrews, S. M., Dent, W.R.F., Espaillat, C. Meeus, G., Thi, W.-F., Woitke, P. From Classical Disks to Transition Disks: An Increasing Dust-to-Gas Ratio? 221st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Long Beach, CA, USA.






2017-present: Reviewer for publications: Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Icarus.

2017-present: Grant proposal reviewer: NASA Solar System Workings (SSW) program, NASA Astrobiology Program, NASA Earth Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) program.

2014-2017: University of Arizona, Department of Planetary Science Departmental Life Committee (DLC), graduate student representative for a committee that assessed the quality of life, student-advisor relationships, biases and harassment within the department.

2014-2016: University of Arizona, Department of Planetary Sciences Graduate Student Colloquia, graduate student organizer.

2010-2011: University of Maryland, Campus Student Technology Fee Advisory Committee, college representative-reviewed proposals for usage of the campus student technology fee, particularly with respect to innovative programs.

2010: University of Maryland, Enhancing Computational Abilities with MATLAB, volunteer coder-developed instructional MATLAB scripts for use with astronomy major courses, in order to bolster computational strength of the undergraduate class.

2009: University of Maryland, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Science Student Technology Advisory Committee, astronomy department representative-reviewed proposals for the college's expenditure of their portion of the campus student technology fee, particularly with respect to innovative programs.




2014-present: International Association of Astronomical Artists (IAAA), Journeyman.

2014-2017: University of Arizona Theoretical Astrophysics Program (TAP), Graduate Student Member.

2013-present: American Geophysical Union (AGU), Member.

2010-present: American Astronomical Society (AAS), Junior Member.

2010-present: AAS Division of Dynamical Astronomy (DDA), Junior Member.

2010-present: AAS Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS), Junior Member.





2012, 2013, 2016: Guest Lecturer (University of Arizona), developed and presented guest lectures for: PTYS170B1: The Universe and Humanity: Origins & Destiny (Dr. Caitlin Griffith); PTYS170A1: Planet Earth: Evolution of a Habitable Planet (Dr. Isamu Matsuyama).

2012, 2016: Graduate Teaching Assistant (University of Arizona), assisted with in-class activities, tutoring students, running review sessions, and grading assignments for: PTYS170B1: The Universe and Humanity: Origins & Destiny (Dr. Caitlin Griffith); PTYS170A1: Planet Earth: Evolution of a Habitable Planet (Dr. Isamu Matsuyama).

2008-2010: Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (University of Maryland), assisted with in-class activities, tutoring students, running review sessions, creating and grading assignments, and developing lab exercises for: ASTR100: Introduction to Astronomy (Dr. Stacy McGaugh, Dr. Douglas P. Hamilton, Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke), ASTR101: General Astronomy (Dr. Christopher Hunt), ASTR220: Collisions in Space (Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke).





2014-2017: Astronomy Camp, camp counselor for Advanced Camp (ages 14-19)-responsible for campers' safety, astronomy education, and developing observational projects using facilities at the Kitt Peak National Observatory (including the 0.9-meter WIYN, Steward Observatory 90" Bok, and 16"-20" telescopes).


2016: Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, guest speaker-presented results related to Keane et al. 2016, Nature, in a talk titled: "A Tale of a Tipping Moon, Recorded in Lunar Ice."

2016: Space Drafts / Art on Tap, guest speaker-presented the results of the NASA GRAIL mission.

2015: Space Drafts / Art on Tap, artist-created graphics, posters, and t-shirts for this public astronomy lecture series.

2014-2015: Pima Air and Space Museum, guest speaker-developed mini lectures and activities explaining lunar phases for Tucson middle school students.

2013-2017: The Art of Planetary Science, organizer-developed, advertised, and ran a multi-night planetary science themed art show at the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, which included the involvement of >200 artists, and an event with >500 persons in attendance, and managing a budget of several thousand dollars.

2013-2015: 321Science, artist-developed and executed a series of planetary science themed "fast-draw" YouTube videos, for education and public outreach associated with the OSIRIS-REx mission and Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. 

2013-2016: Tucson Festival of Books, volunteer.

2013-2016: International Observe the Moon Night, volunteer.

2012-2013: Starlight Science Cinema, volunteer and artist-assisted with organization and running of a monthly science-themed movie night, including the development of posters and graphics for advertisement.

2012-2017: OSIRIS-REx Ambassador, volunteer representative for OSIRIS-REx outreach events.

2012-2016: Summer Science Saturday/Sunday, volunteer-developed posters, graphics, and educational activities for K-12 students focusing on the robotic exploration of the solar system.

2012: Math, Science, and Technology Funfest, volunteer.

2012: Science and Astronomy Expo, volunteer.

2012 : Science Downtown, art director and volunteer-helped to organize and run two large (>300 persons) planetary science themed events for K-12 students, including the development of original graphics for all museum activities and advertisement.

2009: Space Camp Turkey, Ä°zmir, Turkey, counselor for international youth (ages 9-18)-responsible for campers' safety, astronomy and space exploration education, developed new educational programs, and revamped the science curriculum.

2007-2011: AstroTerps, member and volunteer-helped run various public outreach events, including "Maryland Day" activities.

2007-2008: Explore the Universe, volunteer and student mentor-assisted local high school students with science fair projects involving the use of the University of Maryland Observatory.

2007: Association des Jeunes Engagés pour la Promotion de la Santé, Maroua, Cameroon, volunteer-worked with HIV-positive youth in improving their public image through the design and painting of large building mural.



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